Get to know us

The International Women Celebration (IWC) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to empowering women, celebrating their achievements, and fostering unity among women from diverse backgrounds. Through our annual event, we recognize outstanding contributions, honor remarkable individuals, and raise funds for future projects that support women's well-being and success, including workshops on Women's Health, Domestic Violence, Minority Business Women, and more.

Join us in shaping a brighter future for women worldwide.

Our mission

We celebrate women's achievements, fostering unity, and empowering women for a brighter future.

Our vision

We aim to create a world where women are empowered, celebrated, and united, with equal opportunities and resources to thrive onward.

Meet Our team

Meet the dedicated members of the International Women Celebration Planning Committee. We are a dynamic and diverse group of women leaders from 10 vibrant communities across Arizona. United by our passion for uplifting women's spirits and empowering one another, we strive to foster unity and strength through our collective efforts.

Mai Le

Founder & Chair / Vietnamese American

Farhana shifa

Vice-chair / Bangladeshi American

Rhia Knulu

Vice-chair / Filipino American

Colleen Coons

Award Coordinating Chair / Korean American

Jet Mitro

Co-chair / Thai American

Shante Saulsberry

Co-chair / African American

Bhavi Shah

Co-chair / Indian American

Charmel Dela Cruz

Co-chair / Filipino American

Esther Bryce

Co-chair / Hispanic American

Tram Chu

Co-chair / Vietnamese American

Senya Lee

Co-chair / Korean American

Astria Wong

Award Coordinating Chair / Chinese American

Josette Martinez

Co-chair / Native American

Rachelle Limite

Co-chair / Haitian American

Helen Tang

Volunteer / Chinese American